Podman - Container installation notes
This lab guides you through installing PromLens using Podman, an open source container
tooling set that works on Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows systems. This workshop assumes you have
a working Podman installation from earlier labs in this workshop.
Note: if you need to install Podman, see the earlier lab for
installing Prometheus in a container and return
here when done.
PromLens - Pulling prebuilt container image
Let's make sure you can access the prebuilt PromLens image by pulling it to our local registry:
$ podman image pull prom/promlens:v0.3.0
Trying to pull docker.io/prom/promlens:v0.3.0...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:df56f8c555e8ac1218ae0f5ac530a0c6cd9213b8599a4867e5f0eab93c6ff3da
Copying blob sha256:15a8001affa70e49b159fb099f3791913c90811f5c6ebad1287328c46aa889dc
Copying blob sha256:0ae1023ba0140b1fd8ba7ad2cab0d0e0a2ee62cec077cb3c3bf131a3d3b5b79a
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
PromLens - Verifying pulled container image
Looking up our local images to verify everything went well and we should see something like this:
$ podman images
docker.io/prom/promlens v0.3.0 f600c282373c 8 months ago 40.2 MB
PromLens - Running the container image
To run PromLens in a container and not conflict with the default port of 8080, we need to map a
local port to the container exposed 8080. In this lab we are using 9090 for Prometheus and 8080
for our services demo, so let's use 8081 for PromLens as follows:
$ podman run --rm --name promlens -p 8081:8080 prom/promlens:v0.3.0
ts=2024-10-14T12:33:31.690Z caller=main.go:202 level=info msg="No link sharing backends..."
ts=2024-10-14T12:33:31.691Z caller=main.go:216 level=info msg="No Grafana backend enabled..."
ts=2024-10-14T12:33:31.691Z caller=tls_config.go:232 level=info msg="Listening on" addrs=[::]:8080
PromLens - Configuring the defaults
When you open the link http://localhost:8081
you'll see it is not setup to
query our Prometheus metrics data instance, so we need to adjust the link to point to
as shown:
PromLens - Defaulting to our Prometheus
That was just to show you that it's possible to direct your PromLens instance at any data collection,
but for now we want this to be defaulting to our Prometheus metrics collection. To achieve this,
stop the running container (CTRL+C) and start a PromLens container instance as follows:
$ podman run --rm --name promlens -p 8081:8080 prom/promlens:v0.3.0 --web.default-prometheus-url "http://localhost:9090"
PromLens - This completes the container installation
Next up, we need to verify the installation is working and get started on learning advanced PromQL:
Podman - Container installation notes This lab guides you through installing PromLens using Podman, an open source container
tooling set that works on Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows systems. This workshop assumes you have
a working Podman installation from earlier labs in this workshop. Note: if you need to install Podman, see the earlier lab for installing Prometheus in a container and return
here when done.