Lab 6 - Avoiding telemetry data loss

Lab Goal

This lab explores how to avoid losing telemetry data in your telemetry pipeline with Fluent Bit.

Intermezzo - Jumping to the solution

If you happen to be exploring Fluent Bit as an architect and want to jump to the solution in action, we've included the configuration files in the easy install project from the source install support directory, see the previous installing from source lab. Instead of creating all the configurations as shown in this lab, you'll find them ready to use as shown below from the fluentbit-install-demo root directory:
								$ ls -l support/configs-lab-6/

								-rw-r--r--@ 1 erics  staff   166 Jul 31 13:12 Buildfile
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff  1437 Jul 31 14:02 workshop-fb.yaml

Data loss - The problem statement

In the previous lab we explored how input plugins can hit their ingestion limits when our telemetry pipelines scale beyond memory limits when using default in-memory buffering of our events.

We also saw that we can limit the size of our input plugin buffers to prevent our pipeline from failing on out of memory errors, but that the pausing of the ingestion can also lead to data loss if the clearing of the input buffers takes too long.

In this lab, we'll explore another buffering solution that Fluent Bit offers to ensure data and memory safety at scale by configuring filesystem buffering .

Data loss - The solution background

Let's explore how the Fluent Bit engine processes data that input plugins emit. When an input plugin emits events, the engine groups them in a Chunk . A Chunk size is around 2MB. The default is for the engine to place this Chunk only in memory.

We saw that limiting in-memory buffer size did not solve the problem, so we are looking at modifying this default behavior of only placing Chunk's into memory. This is done by changing the property storage.type from the default Memory to Filesystem.

It's important to understand that Memory and Filesystem buffering mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. By enabling filesystem buffering for our input plugin we automatically get performance and data safety.

Intermezzo - Filesystem configuration tips

By changing our buffering from memory to filesystem with the property storage.type filesystem, the settings for mem_buf_limit are ignored.

Instead, we need to use the property storage.max_chunks_up for controlling the size of our memory buffer. Shockingly, when using the default settings the property storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit is set to off, causing the input plugins not to pause. Instead input plugins will switch to buffering into the filesystem only. We can control the amount of disk space used with storage.total_limit_size.

If the property storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit is set to on, then the buffering mechanism to the filesystem behaves just like our mem_buf_limit scenario demonstrated in the previous lab.

Data loss - Configuration inputs

We will be using a backpressure (stressed) configuration for our Fluent Bit pipelines in this lab, all examples are going to be shown using containers (Podman). It is assumed you are familiar with container tooling such as Podman or Docker.

We begin with a configuration file workshop-fb.yaml with the INPUT phase, a simple dummy plugin generating a large amount of entries to flood our pipeline (note that the previous mem_buf_limit fix is commented out):
								# This file is our workshop Fluent Bit configuration.
								  flush: 1
								  log_level: info


								  # This entry generates a large amount of success messages for the workshop.
								    - name: dummy
								      copies: 15000
								      dummy: {"message":"true 200 success", "big_data": "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								      #mem_buf_limit 2MB

Data loss - Configuring outputs

Now ensure the output section of our configuration file workshop-fb.yaml following the inputs section is as follows:
								# This entry directs all tags (it matches any we encounter)
								# to print to standard output, which is our console.
								  - name: stdout
								    match: '*'
								    format: json_lines

Data loss - Testing this stressed pipeline (container)

Let's now try testing our configuration by running it using a container image. First thing that is needed is to ensure a file called Buildfile is created. This is going to be used to build a new container image and insert our configuration file. Note this file needs to be in the same directory as our configuration file, otherwise adjust the file path names:

								COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml

								CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]

Data loss - Building stressed image (container)

Now we'll build a new container image, naming it with a version tag, as follows using the Buildfile and assuming you are in the same directory:
								$ podman build -t workshop-fb:v10 -f Buildfile

								STEP 1/3: FROM
								STEP 2/3: COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml
								--> a1a35a700d37
								STEP 3/3: CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]
								COMMIT workshop-fb:v10
								--> 6e6ef0d3e464
								Successfully tagged localhost/workshop-fb:v10

Data loss - Running this stressed pipeline (container)

If we run our pipeline in a container configured with constricted memory, in our case we need to give it around 11MB limit (adjust this number for your machine as needed), then we'll see the pipeline run for a bit and then fail due to overloading (OOM):
								$ podman run -it --memory 11MB --name fbv10 workshop-fb:v10

Data loss - Console output stressed pipeline (container)

The console output shows that the pipeline ran for a bit, in our case below before it hit the OOM limits of our container environment (11MB). We can validate this by inspecting the container image on the next slide:
								{"date":1722510405.222825,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								{"date":1722510405.222826,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								{"date":1722510405.222826,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								{"date":1722510405.222827,           <<<< CONTAINER KILLED WITH OOM HERE

Data loss - Validating stressed == OOM

Below we view our container, inspecting it for an OOM failure to validate our backpressure worked. The following commands show that our container kernel failed and killed it due to an OOM error:
								# Use the container name to inspect for reason it failed.
								$ podman inspect fbv10 | grep OOM

								"OOMKilled": true,

Data loss - Prevention with filesystem buffering

What we've seen is that when a channel floods with too many events to process, our pipeline instance fails. From that point onwards we are now unable to collect, process, or deliver any more events.

Already having tried in a previous lab to manage this with mem_buf_limit settings, we've seen that this also is not the real fix. To prevent data loss we need to enable filesystem buffering so that overloading the memory buffer means that events will be buffered in the filesystem until there is memory free to process them. Let's try this...

Data loss - Filesystem buffering

The configuration of our telemetry pipeline in the INPUT phase needs a slight adjustment by adding storage.type: filesystem to as shown along with a few SERVICE section attributes to enable it as shown:
								# This file is our workshop Fluent Bit configuration.
								  flush: 1
								  log_level: info
								  storage.path: /tmp/fluentbit-storage
								  storage.sync: normal
								  storage.checksum: off
								  storage.max_chunks_up: 5


								  # This entry generates a large amount of success messages for the workshop.
								    - name: dummy
								      copies: 15000
								      dummy: {"message":"true 200 success", "big_data": "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								      #mem_buf_limit 2MB
								      storage.type: filesystem

Data loss - Notes about SERVICE section

The properties that might need some explanation are:

  • storage.path - putting filesystem buffering in the tmp filesystem
  • storage.sync - using normal and turning off checksum processing
  • storage.max_chunks_up - set to ~10MB, amount of allowed memory for events

Data loss - Testing filesystem pipeline (container)

Now we'll build a new container image, naming it with a version tag, as follows using the Buildfile and assuming you are in the same directory:
								$ podman build -t workshop-fb:v11 -f Buildfile

								STEP 1/3: FROM
								STEP 2/3: COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml
								--> e93ff93e466b
								STEP 3/3: CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]
								COMMIT workshop-fb:v11
								--> d78206548aaa
								Successfully tagged localhost/workshop-fb:v11

Data loss - Running filesystem pipeline (container)

If we run our pipeline in a container configured with constricted memory (slightly larger value due to memory needed for mounting the filesystem), in our case we need to give it around 9MB limit, then we'll see the pipeline running without failure. See next slide to validate filesystem buffering is working:
								$ podman run --rm -v ./:/tmp --memory 11MB --name fbv11 workshop-fb:v11

Data loss - Console output filesystem pipeline (container)

The console output shows that the pipeline runs until we stop it with CTRL-C, with events rolling by as shown below. We can now validate the filesystem buffering by looking at the filesystem as shown on the next slide:
								{"date":1722514136.218682,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								{"date":1722514136.218682,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}
								{"date":1722514136.218683,"message":"true 200 success","big_data":"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"}

Data loss - Validating filesystem buffering (container)

Check the filesystem from the directory where you started your container from. While the pipeline is running, with memory restrictions, it will be using the filesystem to store events until the memory is free to process them. If you view the contents of the file before stopping your pipeline, you'll see a messy message format stored inside (cleaned up for you here):
								$ ls -l ./fluentbit-storage/dummy.0/1-1716558042.211576161.flb

								-rw-------  1 username  groupname   1.4M May 24 15:40 1-1716558042.211576161.flb

								$ cat fluentbit-storage/dummy.0/1-1716558042.211576161.flb

								?????message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?p???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								߲???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?F???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?d???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??

Data loss - Thoughts on filesystem solution

This solution is the way to deal with backpressure and other issues that might flood your telemetry pipeline and causing it to crash. It's worth noting that using a filesystem to buffer the events also introduces the limits of the filesystem being used.

It's important to understand that just as memory can run out, so too can the filesystem storage reach its limits. It's best to have a plan to address any possible filesystem challenges when using this solution, but this is outside the scope of this workshop.

Data loss solution for pipelines completed!

Lab completed - Results

								$ cat fluentbit-storage/dummy.0/1-1716558042.211576161.flb

								?????message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?p???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								߲???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?F???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
								?d???message?true 200 success?big_data?'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah???fP??
Next up, avoiding telemetry data loss...

Contact - are there any questions?

Eric D. Schabell
Director Evangelism
Contact: @ericschabell { or

Up next in workshop...

Lab 7 - Pipeline integration with OpenTelemetry