Lab 7 - Pipeline integration with OpenTelemetry

Lab Goal

This lab explores how to integrate a Fluent Bit pipeline with OpenTelemetry.

Intermezzo - Jumping to the solution

If you happen to be exploring Fluent Bit as an architect and want to jump to the solution in action, we've included the configuration files in the easy install project from the source install support directory, see the previous installing from source lab. Instead of creating all the configurations as shown in this lab, you'll find them ready to use as shown below from the fluentbit-install-demo root directory:
								$ ls -l support/configs-lab-7/

								-rw-r--r--@ 1 erics  staff   166 Aug  1 15:34 Buildfile-fb
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff   215 Jul 27 09:47 Buildfile-otel
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff    73 Jul 25 13:51 Buildfile-prom
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff  1589 Aug  1 15:50 workshop-fb.yaml
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff   245 Jul 30 15:42 workshop-otel.yaml
								-rw-r--r--  1 erics  staff   209 Jul 27 09:23 workshop-prom.yml

OTel integration - The use cases

There are many reasons why an organization might want to pass their telemetry pipeline output onwards to OpenTelemetry (OTel), specifically through an OpenTelemetry Collector. To facilitate this integration, Fluent Bit from the release of version 3.1 added support for converting its telemetry data into the OTel format.

In this lab, we'll explore what Fluent Bit offers to convert pipeline data into the correct format for sending onwards to OTel.

OTel integration - The architecture

This is an architectural overview of what we are building. Here you can see the pipeline collecting log events, processing them into an OTel Envelope to satisfy the OTel schema (resource, scope, attributes), pushing to an OTel Collector, and finally to both the collectors console output and to a separate log file:

OTel integration - Initial log configuration

We begin configuration of our telemetry pipeline in the INPUT phase with a simple dummy plugin generating sample log events as follows:
								# This file is our workshop Fluent Bit configuration.
								  flush: 1
								  log_level: info


								  # This entry generates a success message for the workshop.
									- name: dummy
								      dummy: '{"service" : "backend", "log_entry" : "Generating a 200 success code."}'

OTel integration - Initial configuration outputs

Now ensure the output section of our configuration file workshop-fb.yaml following the inputs section is as follows:
								# This entry directs all tags (it matches any we encounter)
								# to print to standard output, which is our console.
								  - name: stdout
								    match: '*'
								    format: json_lines

OTel integration - Running initial pipeline (source)

To see if our configuration works we can test run it with our Fluent Bit installation. Depending on the chosen install method, here we show how to run it using the source installation followed by the container version. Below the source install is shown from the directory we created to hold all our configuration files:
								# source install.
								$ [PATH_TO]/fluent-bit --config=workshop-fb.yaml

OTel integration - Console output initial pipeline (source)

The console output should look something like this. This runs until exiting with CTRL_C:
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
								{"date":1722519715.919221,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.252186,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.583481,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.917044,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519717.250669,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519717.584412,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}

OTel integration - Testing initial pipeline (container)

Let's now try testing our configuration by running it using a container image. First thing that is needed is to open in our favorite editor, a new file called Buildfile-fb. This is going to be used to build a new container image and insert our configuration. Note this file needs to be in the same directory as our configuration file, otherwise adjust the file path names:

								COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml

								CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]

OTel integration - Building initial pipeline (container)

Now we'll build a new container image, naming it with a version tag, as follows using the Buildfile-fb and assuming you are in the same directory:
								$ podman build -t workshop-fb:v12 -f Buildfile-fb

								STEP 1/3: FROM
								STEP 2/3: COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml
								--> b4ed3356a842
								STEP 3/3: CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]
								COMMIT workshop-fb:v4
								--> bcd69f8a85a0
								Successfully tagged localhost/workshop-fb:v12

OTel integration - Running initial pipeline (container)

Run the initial pipeline using this container command:
								$ podman run --rm workshop-fb:v12

OTel integration - Console output initial pipeline (container)

The console output should look something like this. This runs until exiting with CTRL_C:
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
								[2024/08/01 15:41:55] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
								{"date":1722519715.919221,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.252186,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.583481,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519716.917044,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519717.250669,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722519717.584412,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}

OTel integration - OpenTelemetry envelope

Within the pipeline after ingesting log events, we need to process them into an OTel compatible schema before we can push them onwards to an OTel Collector. Fluent Bit v3.1+ offers a processor to put our logs into an OTel envelope.

The OTel Envelope is putting our log events into the correct format (resource, scope, attributes). Let's try adding this to our workshop-fb.yaml file and explore the changes to our log events...

OTel integration - Processing the envelope

The configuration of our processor section needs an entry for logs. Fluent Bit provides a simple processor called opentelemetry_envelope and is added as follows after the inputs section:

								  # This entry generates an success message for the workshop.
								    - name: dummy
								      dummy: '{"service" : "backend", "log_entry" : "Generating a 200 success code."}'

								          - name: opentelemetry_envelope

OTel integration - Testing envelope pipeline (source)

To see if our configuration works we can test run it with our Fluent Bit installation. Depending on the chosen install method, here we show how to run it using the source installation followed by the container version. Below the source install is shown from the directory we created to hold all our configuration files:
								# source install.
								$ [PATH_TO]/fluent-bit --config=workshop-fb.yaml

OTel integration - Console output envelope pipeline (source)

The console output should look something like this. Note each log event has now been put into the OTel Envelope format, providing for a resource, scope, and attributes. This runs until exiting with CTRL_C:
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
								{"date":1722522413.113665,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722522414.113558,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722522415.11368,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}

OTel integration - Building envelope pipeline (container)

Now we'll build a new container image, naming it with a version tag, as follows using the Buildfile-fb and assuming you are in the same directory:
								$ podman build -t workshop-fb:v13 -f Buildfile-fb

								STEP 1/3: FROM
								STEP 2/3: COPY ./workshop-fb.yaml /fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml
								--> b4ed3356a842
								STEP 3/3: CMD [ "fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/workshop-fb.yaml"]
								COMMIT workshop-fb:v4
								--> bcd69f8a85a0
								Successfully tagged localhost/workshop-fb:v13

OTel integration - Running envelope pipeline (container)

Run the initial pipeline using this container command:
								$ podman run --rm workshop-fb:v13

OTel integration - Console output initial pipeline (container)

The console output should look something like this. Note each log event has now been put into the OTel Envelope format, providing for a resource, scope, and attributes. This runs until exiting with CTRL_C:
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] initializing
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [input:dummy:dummy.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.0] worker #0 started
								[2024/08/01 16:26:52] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
								{"date":1722522413.113665,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722522414.113558,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}
								{"date":1722522415.11368,"service":"backend","log_entry":"Generating a 200 success code."}

OTel integration - Inside the architecture

The work up to now has been focused on our telemetry pipeline with Fluent Bit. We configured log event ingestion, processing to an OTel Envelope, and it's ready to push onwards as shown here in this architectural component:

OTel integration - Pushing to the collector

When sending telemetry data in the OTel Envelope we are using the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP), which is the standard to ingest into a collector. The next step will be for us to configure an OTel Collector to receive telemetry data and point our Fluent Bit instances at that collector as depicted in this diagram:

OTel integration - Options installing OTel Collector

The rest of this workshop can be done using the path of source installations or container installations of the OTel Collector, so please click on the option you want to use for the rest of this workshop: