Lab 6 - Relabeling Metrics in Prometheus

Lab Goal

The lab teaches you how relabeling metrics work in Prometheus and how to apply them when mapping, aggregating, dropping, or filtering scraped metrics.

Requirements - Setting up for lab

To start this lab you'll need to have the following running:

Let's quickly walk through getting this all running assuming you've already installed these projects as shown in previous labs... all examples in this lab will feature container installations. For source installations, use localhost:PORT_NUMBER for all configuration targets.

Requirements - Starting services on 8080

From a terminal in the services demo project root directory, start the services demo on it's default port:
								$ podman run -p 8080:8080 prometheus_services_demo:v1
After starting, the services demo instance should have metrics scraping end points available. Test at http://localhost:8080/metrics:
								# HELP demo_api_http_requests_in_progress The current number of API HTTP requests in progress.
								# TYPE demo_api_http_requests_in_progress gauge
								demo_api_http_requests_in_progress 1
								# HELP demo_api_request_duration_seconds A histogram of the API HTTP request durations in seconds.
								# TYPE demo_api_request_duration_seconds histogram
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0001"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00015000000000000001"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00022500000000000002"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0003375"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00050625"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.000759375"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0011390624999999999"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0017085937499999998"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0025628906249999996"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0038443359374999994"} 0

Requirements - Starting services on 8088

From a different terminal window, start the services demo on port 8088 (any unoccupied port will work if there is a conflict):
								$ podman run -p 8088:8080 prometheus_services_demo:v1
After starting, the second services demo instance should have metrics scraping end points available. Test at http://localhost:8088/metrics:
								# HELP demo_api_http_requests_in_progress The current number of API HTTP requests in progress.
								# TYPE demo_api_http_requests_in_progress gauge
								demo_api_http_requests_in_progress 1
								# HELP demo_api_request_duration_seconds A histogram of the API HTTP request durations in seconds.
								# TYPE demo_api_request_duration_seconds histogram
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0001"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00015000000000000001"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00022500000000000002"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0003375"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.00050625"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.000759375"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0011390624999999999"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0017085937499999998"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0025628906249999996"} 0
								demo_api_request_duration_seconds_bucket{method="GET",path="/api/bar",status="200",le="0.0038443359374999994"} 0

Intermezzo - Discovering container IP addresses

When using containers, Prometheus needs their container IP address as it can not resolve localhost to different containers. To do this we can use the following variable provided by Podman to update our Prometheus configuration target lines to automatically use the assigned IP address:
								- target ["host.containers.internal:PORT_NUMBER"]
Note: if you are using Docker tooling, then your configuration should use the following variable to automatically use the assigned IP address:
								- target ["host.docker.internal:PORT_NUMBER"]

Requirements - Baseline configuration for Prometheus

Before you start Prometheus, you need to ensure the baseline configuration is set to scrape these services instances. To do this, verify that your Prometheus configuration file (we've been working in this workshop with one called workshop-prometheus.yml) matches the following:
								# workshop config
									scrape_interval: 5s


									# Scraping Prometheus.
									- job_name: "prometheus"
									    - targets: ["localhost:9090"]

									# Scraping services demo.
									- job_name: "services"
									    - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8080"]
									    - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8088"]

Requirements - Starting your Prometheus instance

After rebuilding the Prometheus image, start it with the following command:
								$ podman run -p 9090:9090 workshop-prometheus:v3.0 --config.file=/etc/prometheus/workshop-prometheus.yml

Requirements - Inspecting all instance health

You should see two services instances and a Prometheus instance, all actively being scraped as indicated with a 1 using the up metric in the Prometheus expression browser at http://localhost:9090:

Relabeling - Why would you?

Prometheus scrapes targets you configure to collect metrics. These metrics have labels, either auto instrumented or assigned, and alerts have labels they pass on to their alert destinations. Eventually, you're going to want to manipulate or filter metrics based on their label values. A few examples:

  • monitor only certain targets based on annotation indicating they should be scrapped.
  • to add an HTTP query parameter to the scrape request for a target.
  • limit cost by storing only a filtered subset of the samples scraped from a given target.
  • remove a duplicate label from alerts sent to the Alert Manager.
  • combine two label values of a scraped series into a single label.

Relabeling is a concept that allows you to configure transformations and filtering rules.

Relabeling - How it works

Relabeling is implemented as a series of transformation steps applied in different sections of a Prometheus configuration file. They filter or modify a list of labeled objects. You can apply relabeling to the following types of labeled objects:

  • discovered scrape targets.
  • individual samples from scrapes
  • alerts sent to the Alert Manager, would be found in alert_relabel_configs section in the alertmanager_config section.
  • samples written to remote storage systems, would be found in write_relabel_configs section in the remote_write section.

The first two will be covered in this lab in detail, so let's dig into their configuration layouts.

Relabeling - Configuration layout

Using relabeling to discover scraping targets and dealing with individual samples from scrapes are worth a closer look. Let's see how they are applied in the Prometheus configuration file:

  • for discovered scrape targets, nested sections layout:
    • scrape_config
      • relabel_configs
  • for individual samples from scrapes, nested sections layout:
    • scrape_config
      • metric_relabel_configs

Now you know the layout, but how do relabeling rules work?

Relabeling - How modify rules work

A relabeling configuration section consists of a list of rules that are applied in sequence to each labeled object. Each rule in the chain may either modify or drop a labeled object. Here's an example of transforming to modify an object:

  • INITIAL OBJECT passed to first rule ->
    • Rule 1 applied -> results object passed ->
    • Rule 2 applied -> results object passed ->
    • Rule 3 applied -> results object passed ->
    • Rule N applied -> results object passed ->

On the next page is an example of an object transformation that leads to it being dropped.

Relabeling - How dropping works

Here's an example of transforming that leads to dropping an object:

  • INITIAL OBJECT passed to first rule
    • Rule 1 applied -> results object passed ->
    • Rule 2 applied, object dropped, execution aborted...
    • Rule N...

A relabeling rule may keep or drop an object based on a regular expression match, may modify labels, or may map a whole set of labels to another set. Once relabeling drops a labeled object no further relabeling steps are executed and it's deleted from the output list, usually meaning it's not going to be scrapped.

Intermezzo - Touring hidden labels

Labels starting with a double underscore, __some-label, are automatically removed after the last relabeling rule and thus do not make it into the final labels of any object. These specially prefixed labels can be used for storing and passing extra metadata during the relabeling phase to make relabeling decisions or changes to the object's labels.

Intermezzo - Hidden labels controlling scraping

For scraping targets some hidden labels have a special meaning for controlling how Prometheus scrapes a target:

  • __address__: contains the TCP address that should be scrapped for a target. After any relabeling, Prometheus sets the instance label to the value of __address__ if you do not set the instance label explicitly to another value before that.
  • __scheme__: contains HTTP scheme (http or https) with which the target should be scrapped. Defaults to http.
  • __metrics_path__: contains HTTP path to scrape metrics from. Defaults to /metrics.
  • __param_[name]: contains HTTP query parameter names and their values that should be sent along with a scrape request. Possible to set or override each label using relabeling rules to produce custom scrape behaviors for individual targets.

Intermezzo - Hidden labels from service discovery

Service discovery has not yet been handled, so this is a preview on the subject just covering its usage of hidden labels. It provides a set of labels starting with __meta_ that contain discovery-specific metadata about a target.

Examples of what labels a specific service discovery mechanism generates and uses can be found in their configuration documentation.

Intermezzo - Temporary label usage

Most programming languages and scripting languages allow you to pass temporary values in variables that are not recognized outside a certain scope that you control. Think of a local variable that you use to store a value for use within a single method or class.

You might find that you have a need to store a temporary label value in a relabeling step for use in a subsequent relabeling step. You can use the __tmp label name prefix. Labels starting with __tmp are never used by Prometheus itself.

Relabeling - Available fields for rules

Relabeling is done with relabeling rules which can contain any number of the following fields depending on the ACTION you desire:

  • action: a relabeling action
  • source_labels: list of source label names
  • separator: a source label separator
  • target_label: a target label
  • regex: a regular expression
  • modulus: a modulus value
  • replacement: some replacement string

Relabeling - Action field (part 1)

The action field is used to define the relabeling action to be taken. If none is specified the default is to replace. The following options is the first part, part two will be on the next slide:

  • replace - match regex against source_labels, if match then sets target_label to replacement value. If no match, no replacement.
  • lowercase - maps source_label to lowercase
  • uppercase - maps source_label to uppercase
  • keep - drop targets when regex does not match source_labels
  • drop - drop targets when regex matches source_labels
  • hashmod - set target_label to the MODULUS of a HASH of the source_labels

Relabeling - Action field (part 2)

This is the second part of the possible values for the action field:

  • keepequal - drop targets when source_labels does not match target_label
  • labelkeep - match regex against all label names, if label does not match, remove from the set of labels
  • dropequal - drop targets when source_labels match target_label
  • labeldrop - match regex against all label names, if label matches, remove from the set of labels
  • labelmap - match regex against ALL source label names, copy values of matching labels to label names given by replacement

Warning: careful with labeldrop and labelkeep to ensure metrics are uniquely labeled after any labels are removed.

Relabeling - Source labels field

The source_labels field contains a list of label names that are separated using the separator field string (which defaults to a semicolon ";") and matched against the provided regular expression found in the regex field.

Relabeling - Separator and target label fields

The separator field string (which defaults to a semicolon ";") is used to to separate the source_labels when concatenating matching labels.

The target_label field contains the name of the label that should be overwritten when using the replace or hashmod relabel actions.

Relabeling - Regex and modulus fields

The regex field contains a regular expression to match against the list found in source_labels. The default is "(.*)", matching any source_labels.

The modulus field contains the modulus to take off a hash of the concatenated source_labels. A useful thing to do when using horizontal sharding of Prometheus instances.

Relabeling - The replacement field

The replacement field contains a replacement string that is written to the target_label for replace relabel actions. It can also refer to regular expression capture groups that were captured by the regex field.

Relabeling - Use cases for replacement

Time for you to try relabeling... but what would be a good use case for relabeling?

Let's start with a basic one, that of setting an existing label value to a new fixed value. Before we do that, we will need to add some labels to modify the current services demo configuration in your Prometheus instance. This far along in the workshop, you should be able to edit, update, and restart your Prometheus configuration on your own. Let's update you're configuration as shown on the next slide.

Relabeling - Setting a few static labels

Make sure the services static config section in your Prometheus configuration file matches what is shown here (you're adding two new labels). Next, rebuild your Prometheus image to apply the changes and restart:
								# Scraping services demo.
								- job_name: "services"
								    - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8080"]
								        service: "demo1"
								        owner: "teamD"

								    - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8088"]
								        service: "demo2"
								        owner: "teamA"

Relabeling - Verify static labels applied

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console:
static metrics

Relabeling - Back to use case replacement

Now that we have set up Prometheus to collect labels, we can try out the use case for replace by setting an existing label value to a new fixed value.

What if we decided for the upcoming vacation period, that team B would be the team to cover services support as owner while the rest are gone? We could set a temporary relabeling rule to replace all instances of the owner to team B. Imagine if you had thousands of services deployed needing this change? When the vacation is over, you just remove or turn off this relabeling rule.

Good solution! Let's try it...

Relabeling - Replace rule structure

The replace relabeling rule structure with all possible fields looks like this, and note you don't need to use all of the fields for each use:
								- action: 'replace'
								  source_labels: [list_of_source_labels]
								  separator: some_separator        # Default is ';'
								  regex: some_regular_expression   # Defaults to '(.*)' matching any value
								  replacement: replace_string      # Defaults to '$1' the first capturing group
								  target_label: some_existing_target_label

Relabeling - Vacation for teams

Let's relabel all services instances during the vacation to the owner being team B. Add the new section relabel_configs just after the services static_configs section as shown. Rebuild and restart to verify changes:
								# Scraping services demo.
								  - job_name: "services"
								      - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8080"]
								          service: "demo1"
								          owner: "teamD"

								      - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8088"]
								          service: "demo2"
								          owner: "teamA"


								      # Relabeling owner for teamA vacation.
								      - action: "replace"
								        replacement: "teamB"
								        target_label: "owner"

Relabeling - Verify vacation for team A

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console:

Relabeling - Why are there still 4 services?

If using source builds, you might notice that you are seeing 4 services, how's that possible?

The thing is, you are querying all existing metrics data that Prometheus has collected. The service owned by team A and the service owned by team B where already in the metrics TSDB. With the new relabeling, you're seeing Prometheus collecting two new metrics entries in your TSDB showing up as team B (twice, you renamed both existing labels!). Let's see if we can filter our query to just show the current service owners since the other teams started vacations...

Note: if you stop and restart a container image of Prometheus, you are losing the historical data in your TSDB... so you will not see older entries of the services.

Relabeling - Verify services owners now

Verify by querying services since 1m in the Prometheus query console, noting that they are only showing team B owners for both of our services:

Relabeling - Visual validation team B

Visually verify relabeling is working after team D label changed by filtering the graph view and selecting team B owned service. Note it's relabeled from the point where team D stopped (or when you restarted the container image):

Relabeling - Eventually services view updates

Note that over time, something like 10 minutes of replacing the owner label with team B, you'll see that the default behavior of the UP query is to not report older metrics data. It shows the two relabeled to team B service entries and if using source binary instance of Prometheus you'll need to add a larger time selection (such as [1hr]) to find the older metrics data:
two services

Relabeling - Vacation is over

Now assume the vacation period is over, so you can remove (better yet, comment out) the relabel rule. Adjust your Prometheus configuration as shown below, rebuild and restart to verify changes:
								# Scraping services demo.
								  - job_name: "services"
									  - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8080"]
										  service: demo1
										  owner: teamD

									  - targets: ["host.containers.internal:8088"]
										  service: demo2
										  owner: teamA


								#	# Relabeling owner for teamA vacation.
								#	- action: 'replace'
								#	  replacement: 'teamB'
								#	  target_label: 'owner'

Relabeling - Verifying vacation over

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that owners are not only team B:

Relabeling - Aggregating labels

One more exercise is to combine metric labels using relabeling rules. Let's use relabeling to create a new metric label for use by humans reading them. Update your relabel_config section as shown, rebuild and restart to verify changes:

								# # Relabeling owner for teamA vacation.
								# - action: 'replace'
								#   replacement: 'teamB'
								#   target_label: 'owner'

								# Relabeling creating new service details label.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								  separator: ';'
								  regex: '(.*);(.*)'
								  replacement: '${1} is owned by ${2}'
								  target_label: 'service_details'

Relabeling - Verifying aggregating labels

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that the new human language label service_details is now combining the owner and service labels:

Relabeling - Drop or keep use cases

The next relabeling action we will explore is drop or keep. These are used when you want to control, by dropping or keeping, entire labeled objects. These actions allow you to:

  • set targets coming from service discovery (not covered here) get scraped
  • set specific samples to scrape from a target or send to remote storage
  • set which alerts to sent to Alertmanager

Note: keepequals and dropequals are use cases that are uncommon, so won't cover them.

Relabeling - Drop or keep rule structure

The drop relabeling rule structure (same for keep) looks like this, and note you don't need to use all of the fields for each use:
								- action: 'drop'
								  source_labels: [list_of_source_labels]
								  separator: some_separator          # Default is ';'
								  regex: some_regular_expression     # Defaults to '(.*)' matching any value
It works as follows (keep works opposite to this):

  • concatenates values of labels in source_labels
  • tests if regular expression in regex matches:
    • If no match, object is put in final output list
    • If a match, the object is dropped

Relabeling - Example dropping objects

Let's look at an exercise where team D released new services updates and they are spiking on metrics cardinality, meaning we are getting flooded with too many metrics labels. To stop rampant metrics collection (and the cost spike), configure the dropping of all services metrics where the owner is listed as team D as follows (rebuild and restart your Prometheus image):

								# # Relabeling owner for teamA vacation.
								# - action: 'replace'
								#   replacement: 'teamB'
								#   target_label: 'owner'

								# Relabeling creating new service details label.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								  separator: ';'
								  regex: '(.*);(.*)'
								  replacement: '${1} is owned by ${2}'
								  target_label: 'service_details'

								# Dropping team D services.
								- action: 'drop'
								  source_labels: ['owner']
								  regex: 'teamD'

Relabeling - Verifying dropping services

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that no services where the owner is team D appear in the list:

Relabeling - Removing dropping services config

Some time later, team D rolls back their services updates, so you can remove the dropping of all services metrics. Comment out the drop rule as shown below (rebuild and restart your Prometheus image):

								# # Relabeling owner for teamA vacation.
								# - action: 'replace'
								#   replacement: 'teamB'
								#   target_label: 'owner'

								# Relabeling creating new service details label.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
									separator: ';'
									regex: '(.*);(.*)'
									replacement: '${1} is owned by ${2}'
									target_label: 'service_details'

								# # Dropping team D services.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   source_labels: ['owner']
								#   regex: 'teamD'

Relabeling - Verifying dropping services removed

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that both services instances metrics labels are again being collected:

Relabeling - Mapping sets of labels

There is a use case where you want to take a set of source labels and map their values into a new set of label names. The labelmap action allows you to do this. This is commonly done when using service discovery sources taking a group of __meta-prefixed metadata labels and mapping them into permanent target labels (not covered here). The structure is as follows:
								- action: 'labelmap'
								  regex: some_regular_expression      # Defaults to '(.*)'
								  replacement: replacement_string     # Defaults to '$1'

Relabeling - Example mapping labels

As mentioned the main use case is automated mapping of service discovery sources , so here you'll create a new metric label by mapping based on existing service demo metric labels. Set up mapping to a new mapped_OWNER label by leveraging the owner label as shown (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# Relabeling creating new service details label.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
									separator: ';'
									regex: '(.*);(.*)'
									replacement: '${1} is owned by ${2}'
									target_label: 'service_details'

								# # Dropping team D services.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   source_labels: ['owner']
								#   regex: 'teamD'

								# Relabeling service labels with labelmap.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								  action: 'labelmap'
								  regex: 'owner'
								  replacement: 'mapped_${0}'

Relabeling - Verifying mapped labels

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that the newly mapped mapped_owner label has appeared on services where the owner label was found:

Relabeling - Removing mapping config

To clean out the mapping rule, just comment out as shown below before proceeding with the lab (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# Relabeling creating new service details label.
								- source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								  separator: ';'
								  regex: '(.*);(.*)'
								  replacement: '${1} is owned by ${2}'
								  target_label: 'service_details'

								# # Dropping team D services.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   source_labels: ['owner']
								# 	regex: 'teamD'

								# # Relabeling service labels with labelmap.
								# - source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								#   action: 'labelmap'
								#   regex: 'owner'
								#   replacement: 'mapped_${0}'

Relabeling - Verifying removal mapping config

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that both services instances metrics labels are again being collected:

Relabeling - Dropping labels not objects

Sometimes you may just want to remove or keep individual labels instead of entire objects being targeted. Maybe a target you're scrapping supplies a lot of unnecessary labels (unused by your organization, yet) both polluting the TSDB and costing you in storage fees. Enter the labeldrop and labelkeep actions, structured as follows:
								- action: 'labeldrop'
								  regex: some_regular_expression      # Defaults to '(.*)'

Relabeling - Example dropping labels

The labeldrop action processes as follows:

  • if the regular expression matches, then
    • drops (or keeps) the labels that match

Let's try dropping the owner and service labels from our services objects, as they are represented in the service_details aggregate label you set up earlier (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# # Dropping team D services.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   source_labels: ['owner']
								# 	regex: 'teamD'

								# # Relabeling service labels with labelmap.
								# - source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								#   action: 'labelmap'
								#   regex: 'owner'
								#   replacement: 'mapped_${0}'

								# Dropping labels.
								- action: 'drop'
								  regex: 'owner|service'

Relabeling - Verifying dropping labels

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting there are no longer any owner or service labels in the services objects:

Relabeling - Removing drop config

To clean out the drop rule, just comment out as shown below before proceeding with the lab (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# # Dropping team D services.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   source_labels: ['owner']
								# 	regex: 'teamD'

								# # Relabeling service labels with labelmap.
								# - source_labels: ['service', 'owner']
								#   action: 'labelmap'
								#   regex: 'owner'
								#   replacement: 'mapped_${0}'

								# # Dropping labels.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   regex: 'owner|service'

Relabeling - Verifying removal drop config

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that both services instances metrics labels are again being collected:

Relabeling - HA example for dropping label

Imagine you are running two Prometheus servers trying to create some high availability (HA) for your metrics observability. It's normal to identify each server using the external_labels configuration, for example creating a ha_prom label. Let's say you label them ha_prom: 1 and ha_prom: 2, but if they are sending alerts to their Alertmanager instance, you need to first drop the label ha_prom or you get two alerts for the same notification.

This is fixed if with the following labeldrop alert relabeling rule:
								- action: 'labeldrop'
								  regex: 'ha_prom'

Relabeling - Final example for dropping labels

The last example shares how you can clean up metrics labels that might be generated by targets that are not critical to your observability needs (just providing extra information). Imagine a target that generates labels that start with info_ and further provides a multitude of extra metrics you don't want to keep.

To remove any labels starting with, for example, the info_ labels mentioned above, you'd apply a metric relabeling rule such as:
								- action: 'labeldrop'
								  regex: 'info.*'

Relabeling - Upper and lower case

There are two interesting relabeling actions available to you for situations where you might want to change the case of a label value. Imagine you have one label value you want to compare to another, but the first one is upper case and the second is lower case. You have the option with uppercase or lowercase actions to change one of them using the following rule structure:
								- action: 'uppercase'
								  source_labels: [ list_of_source_labels ]
								  target_label: some_target_label

Relabeling - Example of upper case

The uppercase action processes as follows:

  • gathers a list of values of the label values listed in source_labels
  • changes the values to upper case and stores them in the provided target_label

Let's try upper-casing the service label values from our services objects. Update your Prometheus configuration with the following relabeling rule (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# Dropping labels.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   regex: 'owner|service'

								# Upper case for service labels.
								- action: 'uppercase'
								  source_labels: ['service']
								  target_label: 'service'

Relabeling - Verifying upper case label value

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting the value of the service labels are upper case now in the services objects:

Relabeling - Example of lower case

Just for fun, let's try lower casing the service label values right after you just upper cased them. Update your Prometheus configuration with the following relabeling rule (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# Dropping labels.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   regex: 'owner|service'

								# Upper case for service labels.
								- action: 'uppercase'
								  source_labels: ['service']
								  target_label: 'service'

								# Lower case for service labels.
								- action: 'lowercase'
								  source_labels: ['service']
								  target_label: 'service'

Relabeling - Verifying lower case label value

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting the value of the service labels are once again lower case now in the services objects:
lower casing

Relabeling - Removing both case config

Finally, comment out as shown below before proceeding with the lab (rebuilding and restarting Prometheus):

								# Dropping labels.
								# - action: 'drop'
								#   regex: 'owner|service'

								# Upper case for service labels.
								# - action: 'uppercase'
								#   source_labels: ['service']
								#   target_label: 'service'

								# Lower case for service labels.
								# - action: 'lowercase'
								#  source_labels: ['service']
								#  target_label: 'service'

Relabeling - Verifying removal case configs

Verify by querying all services in the Prometheus query console, noting that both services instances metrics labels are again being collected:

Relabeling - Advanced case for hashing and sharding

To dig into the usage of the hashmod relabeling rule, imagine the use case where you are scaling your Prometheus set up by running multiple instances. In this case you only want to scrape a subset of all targets of a service, so you can use the relabeling hashmod action together with the keep action to shard your targets. The structure for this relabeling rule is as follows:
								- action: 'hashmod'
								  source_labels: [ list_of_source_labels ]
								  modulus: some_modulus_value
								  target_label: some_target_label

Relabeling - How hashmod works

The hashmod action processes as follows:

  • gathers the values of the labels listed in source_labels
  • calculates the hash of the concatenated string
  • applies the modulus to the hash (operation: hash % modulus) creating the hash value between 0 and modulus - 1
  • stores the modulus value from the previous step in the target_label

In the next slide we'll explore a fictitious example scenario and apply hashmod...

Relabeling - Example sharding targets in a service

In this fictitious use case, we'll show you how to use hashmod to split up the overall group of targets of a service into shards for each instance in your scaled Prometheus set up. First, we are calculating the hash-based modulus for each target based on one or more of its labels. Then we want to only keep the targets that have a specific modulus value.

In our example, we are sharding targets on their instance label and only want to keep the instances for shard 2 (out of 10 shards). We can combine a hashmod with a keep action as follows:
								- action: 'hashmod'
								  source_labels: [instance]
								  modulus: 10
								  target_label: __tmp_hashmod

								- action: keep
								  source_labels: [__tmp_hashmod]
								  regex: 2

Lab completed - Results

Next up, dashboards and visualization workshop...

Contact - are there any questions?

Eric D. Schabell
Director Evangelism
Contact: @ericschabell { or

Up next in workshop...

Lab 7 - Discovering Service Targets